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GarsCom Night Market Application

General Rules:

- GarsCom reserves the right to select participants and exhibitors

- The following products are allowed: Food and handmade crafts per category (exclusivity applies)

- GarsCom reserves the right to place a moratorium on certain products from time to time. 

- Notice must be given two weeks prior to termination of your stall so that the products/stall can be offered to awaiting exhibitors.   (Canceling your stall indefinitely)

- If any of the rules and conditions have not been met, we the committee will send you warning letter. If you still do not adhere to our rules, terms and conditions we will request that you leave the market


Do you accept these rules?

Kindly note:

- No electricity or water will be available at the park on the night

- You are responsible for your own exhibition stand (Gazebo, tables, chairs, stall lights, etc.)

- Set up from 15:30 to be ready by 17:00 and cleared up (removal of waste etc.) no later than 22:00

- Market will be officially open for trade from 17:00

- NO VEHICLES allowed in the trading area after 17:00 and may only enter the trading area again 21:00 when packing up.

- Exhibitors are responsible for the quality and integrity of their own products. GarsCom do not take responsibility for any products sold. 

- No livestock may be sold. No alcohol may be sold at the market without the proper licenses.

- Park layout is done prior to allocation of the stalls

- All food stalls are responsible for their own Food Acceptability Certificate from the City of Tshwane.

- All vendors who have confirmed as coming to the market will be added to a separate Whats App group where all communication for said market will be post.

- We are an open-air market and weather plays a huge role in whether we will have a market or not. A poll will be done on the market Whats App group on the Tuesday before the market if bad weather is predicted. The poll will close at 16:00 on the Wednesday before the market.

- A minimum of 35 Vendors will be required to have the market run on a Friday. If we have less than 35 vendors confirmed and paid, the market will not go ahead and will be canceled.


Do you agree to the above?


- All stall owners are responsible for the cleanliness and refuse removal of their own stall.

- All stall owners will be responsible for the necessary certificates required by the City of Tshwane.

- Temperature of perishable foods must be kept below 7 degrees Celsius.

- All uncovered food must be protected from pollution or contamination.

- Food handling, sufficient apparatus and equipment must be available.

- All stall owners are responsible for their own water and wash up facilities.

- NO Smoking allowed (this includes the toilets)

- All wastewater must be disposed of, as to not cause a health or pollution issue.

Do you accept these conditions?

Marketing and Advertising:

- We have 4 banners which we place in 4 separate places in and around GarsCom on the day of the market.

- We advertise on Facebook, Instagram, local WhatsApp Street groups and Pretoria Events.

- We send out an advertisement video of all the vendors who will be at the market on Monday before the market. For us to be able to get all the advert ready and to complete the video, we need to know if you as a vendor will be attending the market by the Wednesday before the week of the market.


- Cost per stall R230.00 per night (payment must be made by the Monday the week of the market). No cash will be accepted on the day.

- One stall cost R230.00 per Friday night, two stalls R460.00 per night etc. 

- Stall fees are payable in advance, by latest the Monday of the market, no later than 16:00.

- Please submit an attendance schedule (calendar) for the month in question showing when you will attend. 

- If you've booked and paid for the Friday and you don't show up, the stall fee will be forfeited. 

- Cancellations will be allowed on the Monday of the market no later than 16:00. Invitations to the market will be sent two weeks before the market. Confirmation of your attendance by the Friday the week before the market and payments on the Monday the week of the market no later than 16:00.  Any cancellations after this will result in your stall fee to be forfeited. 

For any further queries, contact Jennifer Maier 0796689302 or email

Do you Accept?

Banking Details

Banking details:

GarsCom Residents Association


Account number: 406 8919 875

Branch: 632 005

Reference: Traders name

(Use exhibitor name as reference number and send POP to

Payments must reflect in our bank account no later than Monday at 14:00

Do you accept?

May we add you to our WhatsApp Group?


Thanks for submitting!

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