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Flower Bouquet
Garscom Logo, Main page

From the community - For the community

Since 1998

Whats Happening?

The GarsCom food drive takes place in September.
We collect non-perishable food and donate it to the Pharos community centre in Jacqueline Street.

The plan is as follows:
 Select someone in your street (or do it yourself) to be the collection point for the food in your street.
 Remind the residents in your street to add an item or 2 to their shopping during the month and to bring it to the collection point. If nobody is willing to do this, contact me at 073 220 3528.
 The volunteer who collects the food can contact Venessa (083 273 8593) to arrange a time to drop the food off.
 The street that collects the most food will be the winner. The prize for the winning street will be communicated later.

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Weekly Crime and Community News

Community Monthly Meeting

26th August 2024

Team Hugging
Electricity Plugs
Image by Severin Demchuk

Municipal Tips / Solar Informataion

Our Calender

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